Sunday, September 28, 2008

Untitled .. for now

When ever I'm near you
My heart soars to the highest heights
When ever I see you
I'm drawn to your radiance
Your gone for only a day,
Yet I miss you like its been years
Embraced, time ticks by at a stand still
Kissed, moment entombed in time
Clocks shattered, lasting forever
Thoughts shake my bones
Paintings move the eyes
Rhetoric moves the heart
You move my soul.
Need a shoulder to cry on?
Need someone to laugh with?
Need to just be held?
These shoulders are vacant
Always ready to laugh
And I would never think of not holding you.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I got a Car

So this last tuesday i got a car, woot woot! Yea im really excited (no matter how girly jay thinks it is), i got a 97' sunfire GT in amazing condition. i cant really think of anything else to write so ill get some pics up of it in a bit

Saturday, September 20, 2008

I never knew her, but yet my heart aches

One year today, events unfold
On the trail of life
As if a tree has fallen
The ground of my life shaken.
Personally I didn't know her
But Knowing how close you two were,
She would be so happy to know
That you would go to the ends of the earth
Talk to every one about this cause
I never knew the bond between the friends
Just hearing about it brings me to tears
Fears cast away, worries abolished
Because Dancing with Jesus is the cure
Many things can bring back memories
Things that bring a smile to your face
Maybe a tear to your eye
Peace strewn over you like a blanket
An overwhelming calm
Just to know that She is walking with Jesus
But only one set of footprints is to be seen

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Who are we?

Created for a reason,
Right here on earth
Seeking out the shadows, the light
Desperation to discover who we are
Decipher our purpose.
We research, experiment
Our futile efforts are in vein
Maybe we are looking,
In all the wrong places.
Striving to unravel our own fairy tale
Finally looking to God
What we find is a father, Savior.
Soft words spoken over our small life
Words that encourage, build up
Through this rhetoric we find what this is.
That God has a plan laid out for us
Our book opened wide
Popping up, images of our life
Who we are, discovered

Sunday, September 14, 2008

To live, To love

To live and to love
Never having felt such ecstasy
The overwhelming joy, contentment
Vocalizing the feelings
Saying "I love you"
These words pierce my very soul
Eyes sparkle as their name is said
Can't speak the words from my head
Mouth numb, throat dry
Warmth straight from you
Calms this very heart
Your smell drives me crazy
Your eyes, Your smile
Are what keep this heart beating.
Straining to keep my composure
Struggleing to stay on my feet
Oh how easy it would be,
To callapse into each others arms for eternity

Thoughts from the heart in love

Hand in hand
Heart racing so fast
This dream coming true
I never thought,
That I would ever find someone,
That I wouldnt have to be,
Subject to change.
Known you for so long
Next to Forever it seems to short
Never thought it could happen this fast
Knowing that it will endure the test of time
Built on the Rock
Not on the Shale
This structure is called love
Hanging on the edge of love for a while
But tonight I fell.....

Friday, September 12, 2008


Twisted minds, twisted faces
Bullets flying with blood spraying
Alone in the trenches with hundreds of others
Futile attempts at victory
Dirt flying at the faces of pain
Shell shocked minds,
Shrapnel torn lives
War at its worst, millions die
It's notabout who's right,
It's about who is left
In the Aftermath
In the obliteration

this poem and my one about hitler have both been inspired by my history class so i thought i would write them right there while watching the movies about the world wars

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Spark to Blaze

Spark, a tiny resemblance of flame
Caught in a cloth that spark takes flight
Spark to Fire, Fire to Blaze
Raging fire storm for Christ
Shining light given off
Enveloping the shadows
Every corner bright
Those hidding from the light cringe,
Then realize hate isnt right
Rock bottom is where some of us are at
No where else to turn but to God
Not knowing what to say or what to do
We cry out, our souls flowing out of our mouth
Verbalized are our hurts, are our thoughts
This flame never to fizzle
This flame never to die out.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Well tonight was the kick off of THRIVE youth church ^_^ and im am so excited for what is to come. Al lthe goals set for this youthgroup all i can say is "LETS DO IT" i am just so excited for the growth that is going to go on spiritualy and in size. I know our God will be there with us in our works and goals, and if we dont accomplish them this year who cares it will happen and FRIK IM EXCITED!!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hilter's a jerk bag to say the least

Taken from our families
Exiled and starved
Thrown in the dirt
Our mouths stiched shut in their minds
Opinions disregarded
Skin stretched tight, mummified alive
Bodies consuming themselves
Deteriation from the inner being
Skeletal figures of man
Gased and burned alive
Their ashes asend to the air
Torturers breathe in the prisoners
Tossed in a pit, Starved
Haulacaust full force
Hated for no reason

Sunday, September 7, 2008

can't comprehend

People look down on each other
Degrading, breaking down.
Words that we pretend down hurt
In reality slice our hearts wide open.
Just because they are a different color
Just because they don't fit in
Just because they aren't "perfection"
The Shallowness of our thoughts
Scrape the surface, and that is all we see
Abhored, tears flow down our face
Racsism is rampant, I can't comprehend
My soul is a open wound for your pain
Not knowing how to respond
Or how to act
The weapon of words, is also the healer
Speak up tell those who care.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Grading is scetchy

Anticipation tied to fear
Anxiety mixed with Calmness
Last time ever walking into this structure
Never to walk the narrows again
Leaving into the unknown
Full of trepidation
Leaving what you have always known
Walking blindly into life
With only few things to guide you
Not knowing what to do
Or where to go.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hardest Hearts still break

Sitting in the Back of the room
In silence, wondering if this is it
In darkness, wanting change
Crying out, and crying within

Working on your heart
Softening it to the ones that love you
God speaks to your heart
Even if you don't hear

Ears sewn shut to the world
Ignoring those that love
Hurts beyond comprehension
Seeking, Straining

The love that is apon this man,
Finaly breaks though
Darkness shattered, Sudden understanding
Blinding like a flood light

Stiches fall, Smile shown
Hearing once more the words of love
Hurts Abolished, no more strain
No more seeking the one love is found

Monday, September 1, 2008

Dive in

Just Dive in im here for you
Trust me it will work out
Dont be nervous
Dont fear
Dont wonder what if
Because im here.
My heart cries out to you God
I pray and you answer
I ask and you give
I sit and wonder
You placed her in my life
Im forever greatful
With tears running down my face
I cry your name
With words of gratitude

Well tonight was a... well life changer for sure. As many of you know Sam and I have liked each other for a while, And as i was driving back to Matts house to drive her home i cryed out to God asking him "what should i do" . His answer was ... "dive in Russel im here for you"

Well and as i pulled it to Sams house i asked her the big Question. That took so much off my heart. and all that was replaced with Joy and the worlds most strongest of happyness. There are no words for the way i feel.