Friday, December 26, 2008


well christmas was pretty freekin sweet. im not going to be a long one cause i don't want to be typing for a long time so yea, i kinda woke up at 530 in the morning and watched a bit of tv till every one else woke up at 630 so we started rippin stuff open :P i ended up getting a few really awesome sweaters, another shirt and a freekin sweet sports jacket blazer ... !!! WOO and i also got an awesome digital camera! WOOOO yea so later around noon i went over to Sam's house since her mom had invited me which i was pretty stoked about :) so after me and Sam exchanged gifts ( she got me lacoste calogne (i was freekin stoked) and an awesome note book which i needed dearly) and i have already broken in the note book which is going to be my next post :P but yea we played wii for the whole afternoon pretty much then i went home and had family dinner with the grandparentsa...

So overall it was a very good christmas and now time to do another post cause i don't want it in this one :P

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